Teamviewer Mouse Not Working Windows 10


So far I have encountered two machines were the mouse has simply stopped working remotely when previously it was fine (the keyboard continues to work). Both are running Windows 10, one is domain connected, one is not, one is 1909 and the other 2004. Both have the latest version of TeamViewer host installed. Both have ESET installed.

  1. Teamviewer 10
  2. Teamviewer Mouse Not Working Windows 10 Pro
  3. Teamviewer Mouse Not Working Windows 10 32-bit

Following the last windows update I had an issue where my Logitech Mouse (actually Mice, I tried more than one ) would not scroll correctly in the Start menu area. The scrolling worked everywhere else that I tried and actually worked if I pointed the mouse at the scroll bars. I am using teamviewer 9 on my laptop (windows 7) to log-in remotely to windows 8. After I log-in I cannot use my keyboard, however my mouse works fine. I have tried going to actions and clicking send remote key combinations but still not able to type, any idea? The environment are following.

[ModEdit; related ticket: #17430: Invisible mouse pointer with remote control. (Linux host)]

Mouse randomly not working but not a hardware issue, can't reinstall Windows - posted in Windows 10 Support: Hi! Roughly since I updated Windows on April 11th Ive been having issues with my mouse. Wake on LAN is a cross-compatible protocol that can be used with TeamViewer on Windows, Windows 10, macOS and Linux devices. This versatility ensures that any technical support offered using WoL is consistent across machines; no matter your customers’ or clients’ preferred operating systems, you can move seamlessly between them.

Teamviewer 10

Hi folks,
I am running a Windows7 Guest on a Debian stretch host.

Teamviewer Mouse Not Working Windows 10 Pro

When somebody tries to support this Windows guest with TeamViewer I cannot see the mouse of my supporter. All I can see is my 'own' mouse pointer. This pointer is not moving at all (only when I move my mouse it moves).Working
I am using the latest VirtualBox (V5.1.28) and have Guest additions installed.
My guess is that the mouse is not really Windows' mouse but it's still the Linux mouse, so TeamViewer cannot see it???

Teamviewer Mouse Not Working Windows 10 32-bit

On an Apple host everything works like expected.
Any idea what the problem is?