Authorware 7 Tutorial


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The brain slice tutorial employs Authorware programs. In order to view these programs on a PC, you will need to have the appropriate plug-in installed on your computer. If you do not have the plug-in installed, click here to connect to a download page.

Michael was, of course, the creator of Authorware, a highly powerful tool from the CD-ROM era, which Adobe eventually gave up on after they inherited it from Macromedia. Authorware was a serious tool that you could use for serious projects, but with a friendly interface. Here at DevLearn 2011 in Las Vegas I've got authoring tools on my mind. Work their way through the tutorials for PowerPoint which are part of the sets of tutorials for Microsoft Office 2000, Office XP, Office 2003, and Office 2007, which are an optional accompaniment to this text. The tutorials are available free of charge on-line at the following URLs: Essential Microsoft Office 2000: Tutorials for Teachers.

The tutorial has been developed to run inside of Internet Explorer 5.0 or higher. If you are using another browser and experience problems viewing this material, please switch to the Internet Explorer 5.0 browser.

One has the option to maximize computer screen size when viewing the tutorial by changing the screen resolution to 800 x 600 or to the closest available setting by follow the seven steps given below:


Windows XP users:

1.Move the cursor to a free area of the computer desktop.

2.Right click and select “properties” on the context menu as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1: Desktop properties menu

Adobe Authorware Web Player


3.A ‘Display Properties’ dialogue box will appear, click on the settings tab at the top right of the box as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2: Display properties dialog box

4.Use the slide bar under ‘Screen resolution’ to change the resolution (remember the current setting). Set it to 800 x 600 if available or to the lowest alternative setting available.

5.Click the OK button.

Macromedia Authorware Download

6.If the Monitor Settings dialog box appears click “Yes”.

7.This protocol will enhance screen resolution for viewing the tutorial.

8.After completing the tutorial, set the computer resolution back to its original setting.

Windows Vista users:

1.Move the cursor to a free area of the computer desktop.

Authorware 7 Tutorial Download

2.Right click and select “personalize” on the context menu as shown in Figure 3.

Authorware 7 Tutorial

Figure 3: Desktop context menu

Download Authorware

3.A dialogue box will appear and click on the display settings as shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4: personalize settings dialog

4.This will show up the Display Settings dialog box shown in Figure 5.

Figure 5: Display properties dialog box

5.Use the slide bar under ‘Resolution’ to change the resolution (remember the current setting). Set it to 800 x 600 if available or to the lowest alternative setting available.

6.Click the OK button.

7.This protocol will enhance screen resolution for viewing the tutorial.

Authorware 7 Tutorial Free

8.After completing the tutorial, set the computer resolution back to its original setting.