Art Of Living Basic Course


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  2. Art Of Living Programs
  3. Art Of Living Silence Course

The art of living is a great program with 5 days. I personally recommend to join this program. Four years back I had joined 5 days training session Each day training was unique. The exercise which they teach during the program is excellent especially the breathing and meditation After meditat. At the core of the Art of Living Happiness program is a unique and profound breathing technique. A practical tool that restores body, mind and spirit into its natural rhythm of being, the Sudarshan Kriya has positively transformed millions and millions of lives.

Basic Course – Principles


AOL course teaches the timeless spiritual principles like being in the present moment, accepting everyone and accepting all situations, not being carried away by other’s opinions and not to resist things but accept things as they are.

Art of living basic course descriptions

The four main principles of Art of living are


Present Moment is inevitable

This is one of the first principles and it has been spoken about by all the great teachings from the Buddhist to new age. The art of living teacher keeps repeating ‘What’s happening now’ every few minutes to drive home the point of coming to the present moment. For a better understanding of being in the present moment read ‘The power of Now’ by Eckhart Tolle. Also read the discourses of Osho Rajneesh and J Krishnamurthi to have a good understanding and practice of this aphorism. In fact many of the AOL teachers do not understand the purport of being in the moment and just get a lot confused while explaining this.

Expectations reduce the Joy

Expectation is futuristic and will make us get out of the present moment.


Accept everyone and every situation as they are

This is an important spiritual teaching taught in many different spiritual schools. It is important to understand that we should not blame people for all the ills plaguing us. There is also no point just going on about the negative qualities of people. Instead if we accept people as they are our miseries caused by our prejudiced and biased opinions will subside and we will feel calmer and more composed. A calmer and composed mind creates a relity which is also peaceful.

What you resist persists

We become fixated on things we resist and hate. Prevent this from happening by awareness.

Art Of Living Online

Don’t be a football of other’s opinion

Be on your own and don’t worry too much about what the other people think about you. Most people don’t have time to think about others and they all will be thinking about what other people are thinking of them.

Smile and be unconditionally happy

Art Of Living Programs

Even if it is artificial initially it will become second nature after some time. Fake it till you make it.

Art Of Living Silence Course

Art of Living Course
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  • Sudarshan Kriya takes us beyond our thoughts and emotions, and allows us totally experience our feelings

    • I have attended a 6 day course on Art of Living recently. The Course was taught by the local representatives of the Art of Living Foundation set up by Sri Sri Ravi Shankar. The Course was for duration of three hours on the first four days and there after it stretched to 6 hours on the last two days.

      The instructors told us that the breath plays a very important role in our life. The breath is the connecting link between

      the inner world of the mind and the outer world of the body and environment. There are seven layers of existence: body, breath, mind, intellect, memory, ego and the Being. The Course tries to bring an effect from the level of Being to the mind.

      We found the Course quite useful, especially the Prananyama Yoga exercises. They also made us learn about Sudarshan Kriya. Sudarshan means right vision; Kriya means purifying action. Sudarshan Kriya takes us beyond our thoughts and ...

    • emotions, and allows us totally experience our feelings. The duration was for 30 minutes. We had to do some rhythmic breathing exercises to the tune of the voice of the Guru through a cassette. It was an exhilarating experience. Many participants had some strange experiences like involuntary twisting of arms, fingers, involuntary dancing or tapping etc. The instructors told us that during the Kriya, every cell of the body becomes so alive and releases all the toxins and negative emotions it has stored from the past. Some of the fellow participants reported that they felt renewed physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

      In addition to the Yoga and the Kriya, the instructors also taught us various meditation techniques and told us many good things about leading an active and peaceful life, the importance of ‘giving’ and about the types of food that is good for our body, etc. We found the course quite useful and are determined to practice it every day.

      • more from ReviewStream

Rashmi says :

Hi, I am depressed about life taking personal as well as professional things… All things go hay way. Deeply interested in starting with art of living classes.. but not aware how to start and in what way can it benefit me… Please guide me and let me know the ways to start ….
riki says :

You can contact your nearest Art Of Living center and inquire that when the next batch is starting. They have got frequent new batches, so you can join the next one. I have too attended this course and I have found it wonderful. I am sure this course will help you to fight the depression and will provide you new energy.

For further information about courses, you can contact Art Of Living helpline on 91 7676 440044. It is open Monday to Sunday 8 am - 8 pm IST. They will provide all the information you need. You can also get further information on their website which is
Prem Sagar says :


Please log on to and choose your nearest place. You will find a center near to you with contact details.

Contact one of the volunteers, who can help you.

Good luck.
Soundar says :

I practiced AOL few years ago(7 yrs), it was a vry good exp learning and practicing it for 30-40 days felt vry calm cool mind and vry relaxed all the confidence level also good increased, but later on after certain period of time i felt like a different person and some time i felt lost not able to speak well to people around not able to handle even small suituations and become physically weak and some time even dont know wat to do(even will forget close relative friends name). will not be able to prolong a conversation and reply back to the word spoken by opposite people all these problems i was facing. I slowly stopped doing yoga and started drinking heavily since i was felling a bit relaxed when doing tat.then years past slowly my mental abilities got improved not to fuller extend.Then once I started menditation by joining sagaj marg that was the moment after few days my condtion was vry worse i was not sleeping well for more than 3 week continuely and vry disturbed mind not able to wrk properly in office, even i thought of suicide few times. when i consulted a doctor he suggested to take a phychartist option and said may be a dpressive i have consulted a phchartist and undergoing treatment for that(moderate depression,stress and anxitey).Doctor advice normal meditation and breath cleaning is sufficient for helathly living.these practices can give u a vry good result or vry rarely a bad 1 also just thought of sharing my exp’es with yoga and meditation.
soundar says :

pls reply for my above post if any remedies are there for my current suituation, thanks in advance….
Galega says :

Hi Sounder,

This website isn’t related to Sri Sri’s Art of Living. I would suggest you to directly contact the local office, or have a visit to their main office which is located in Bangalore. As I know, the entire fraternity of Art of Living are quite supportive and takes care of any issues of its followers.
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