Gmod Keeps Crashing When I Join A Server Mac


My game keeps crashing..

Gmod Keeps Crashing When I Join A Server Mac

So.. You're trying to join your Minecraft server running a modpack you just installed, you successfully join, and then within a few seconds your game crashes. Does this sound like your problem? Well, you're in the right place. This quick tutorial should fix everything up and get you playing again in no time!

For mac: Gmod keeps crashing. Logged onto a server, left that server, joined a new one and crashed. Rebooted and now It won't run. Gmod keeps crashing when I try to join a server. Posted by 1 year ago. Gmod keeps crashing when I try to join a server. I can launch the game ok but after waiting a little bit it will just crash on the start screen, but if I quickly start a game or join one I can sometimes get in OK but other times it will just close out in.

This is usually caused by having mobs / entities within the world from versions of Minecraft greater than the version the server is running, but this can be solved easily


What do I do?

Gmod keeps crashing when i join a server mac downloadJoin

Gmod Keeps Crashing When I Join A Server Mac Os

  1. Reinstall your chosen modpack from the modpacks section within our control panel.

  2. Go to the file manager => right click on the file and select edit.

  3. Locate the level-name= line and change the value to something else, for example if it's world set it to world1, and also change view-distance=7 to 10, then save the file.

  4. You then want to navigate into the config folder => right click on the forge.cfg and select edit.

  5. You then want to change B:removeErroringEntities=false to true and B:removeErroringTileEntities=false to true and click save.

  6. Start your server up

  7. Now join the server and everything should be fine.

  8. If you're still having troubles after doing this, please contact our friendly support team here